Bringing Our Dreams  to Life

About Us

From a very early age the two of us knew we were different. We always felt a need to commune with nature. From the agricultural high school we first attended to the pagan spirituality we practiced, everything seemed to circle our oneness w/the natural world. We loved cannabis, herbs, spices & oddly obsessed with loose leaf tea (both drinking it & reading the leaves) We were outcasts w/our artsy- alternative clothing & lifestyles.

After both leaving our respective high schools in search of a less restricted education we both vowed to make a living based on how we viewed the world! Both being witches & lovers of tea we had yet to find products that combined both! And so the story went for many moons to follow…

Fast forward to our future days as mothers, unprepared for the  path we laid before us, we had found ourselves juggling rigid schedules that left little time for us to practice much of anything. School activities, sports & Drs appointments circulated around our little ones needs daily. The more we added to our families lives the less time we had for ourselves. How have we strayed so far from our witchy roots?  Stress, anxiety & restlessness had become more familiar to us than the world we knew before.

So once again we sat down & asked ourselves & each other what we could do to bring back some of that Magick our lives were missing. How can we be better versions of ourselves for our growing families? As we sipped slowly a hot glass of Earl grey a little light in our heads went off and a little flame in our hearts!  And here we are today!

We combined our love of being witches, loose leaf tea & cannabis! Using our knowledge of the 3 to  bring forth a product to help others reconnect with nature & the rituals that help us start & end our days feeling more at ease regardless of your background.

CannaWitch Tea

Organic tea, fruits & spices & organic non-THC hemp flower with the additional power of simple spells to add a hint of Magick to the mix!

CannaWitch: A hemp-flower & loose leaf tea boutique.